Looking forward to...
I am excited about 2024! I am looking forward to what the Lord is going to do. We serve a great God, and He is always at work. His Word...
Gone So Soon
How quickly Christmas passes from the memory of the world! I was talking to a gentleman last week who told me that a couple of days...
Silent Night
Franz Gruber, a church organist in Austria, composed the music for the hymn “Silent Night.” On Christmas Eve of 1818, Gruber was called...
What Should I Do?
“What job should I take? Whom should I marry? Where will I live? What should I study in college? How will this situation work out? How...
Patience Please--We Are All Still Growing
The Bible uses many analogies to help us understand the Christian life. For instance, Hebrews 12:1 likens the Christian life to a race, a...
Be An Example
All of us need help in living the Christian life. Not only do we need to know what the Bible says, but we also need to know how to live...
The Flood
The Genesis Flood is a pivotal event in human history. In the Flood, God destroyed all of humanity, save eight souls, as well as all...
Happy "Hustledays"?
As we enter into holiday season, let me exhort you to keep one thing in mind: keep the holidays about Christ. If we are not careful, the...
Thank You for Praying
Thank you all for praying for our family during the time of my father-in-law’s homegoing. We appreciate your love and concern. We are so...
In Time of Need
The Bible teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Great High Priest. And what a Great High Priest He is! The Book of Hebrews tells us...
Joy and Sorrow
God made man as a person, and therefore made him with mind, will, and emotion. Each part of our personhood is part of our humanness. The...
Total Eclipse
Last Saturday morning (October 14, 2023) Southern Oregon witnessed a total solar eclipse. During men’s prayer time we all stepped outside...
I'd Rather Have Jesus
The hymn, “I’d Rather Have Jesus,” declares the steadied contentment of choosing Jesus Christ over anything this world offers. Not much...
Where God's Name Is
The Lord led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Land of Promise that He might dwell among His people and that they might...
Right in Whose Eyes?
The children of Israel, during the time of the judges, fell away from following God and reverencing His Word. Judges 21:25 gives the sad...
Trust in the Lord
Solomon wrote divinely-given advice to his son in the book Proverbs, advice that well serves anyone, of any age. Here is some of his...
Growing Pains
It is not uncommon for children or teenagers to wake up in the morning and say that their legs hurt or their muscles ache. If they didn’t...
How Does the Accuser of the Brethren Accuse You?
The Bible tells us that Satan is the accuser of the brethren and that he accuses us day and night before our God (Rev. 12:10). What kinds...
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Isaac Watts (1674-1748), who wrote some 750 hymns, published a collection in 1715 entitled Divine and Moral Songs for Children. The...
To the Next Generation
Paul trained his son in the faith, Timothy, to follow in his steps and to lead others in ministry. For over a decade Timothy traveled...