We live in what some have called “the church age.” This is a major theological designation for this era or time. It is also fitting, because the church is the means by which God works on earth, the temple of God, the outpost for His kingdom, the place where Jesus special presence is and is promised, and is the pillar and ground of the truth. To God on earth it is the church age. It isn’t the age of the United States or of whoever is president. It is the church age. Jesus started the church and has continued to use churches. Most of the New Testament was written to churches. Obedience to Christ must occur in the church. With all that being said, the church or churches are in bad shape. They are doing the worst overall in my lifetime. Despite all that, our church has many great opportunities for representing the truth, preaching the gospel, making disciples, testifying for Jesus Christ, obeying the Bible, and being salt and light in this country. We don’t know how much longer we have that, but now is the time to do what we can do. This is the church age because the church is the only institution on earth through which God works to see His will accomplished. Paul said that the building of God’s temple on earth, which is the church, is what will bring future reward. Most of the New Testament can’t be obeyed without fitting into a church. You can be glad to be a part of a church in the church age in which God works to see His will accomplished through the church, even if other people will not recognize that.
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