Preaching the gospel and dealing with people’s spiritual strongholds is spiritual warfare. It is a battle with a spiritual enemy, masterminded by the devil. The battle rages with more ferocity than we can handle in our own strength. But with the armor of God, we can withstand all of the wiles of the devil (Eph. 6:10-17).
God outfits us with His divine protection as we submit to Him and are filled with (controlled by) the Spirit. Each piece of the armor strategically protects us as we move forward in faith doing spiritual warfare.
Belt of Truth—truthful living. When we live according to the truth, our lives reflect the gospel,
preventing entanglement with the world.
Breastplate of Righteousness—righteous living. The breastplate protects the vital organs,
including the heart and bowels, our mind and emotions. Righteous living keeps our thoughts,
will and emotions pure.
Feet Shod—The gospel produces a peace in our lives that keeps us anchored in, helping us to
remain calm and confident in the battle.
Shield of Faith—Faith, confidence in God and His Word, is a must in spiritual battle. By faith
we say and do the right thing.
Helmet of Salvation—Thinking about your salvation and the power of the gospel encourages
and strengthens you as you speak the truth.
With the armor of God, you can minister with confidence and boldness.