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  • David Sutton

Give and Receive Help

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Life has its ups and downs. We try to weather the storms, but sometimes the storm gets the better of us. As strong as we think we are and to try to be, we find ourselves buckling under the strain. We need help to regain or sustain our footing or spiritual balance. This is where Paul says, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2).

A burden is a heavy load, a weighty matter, or a difficult issue that causes us to stumble. It might be persecution, a stubborn sin, deep grief, discouragement, or poor health. We are to help each other with these difficulties, especially when the person is overtaken in a fault.

When you help a person bear his burden, do so out of love, wanting to help. Don’t ignore the person, don’t be judgmental, and don’t be proud. Perhaps the Lord has helped you in a similar situation. Pass on the kindness that the Lord showed you, along with Bible verses that strengthened you. And remember, we are to bear each other’s burdens. Give and receive help. All of us stand in need of aid at one time or another.

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