The Bible teaches that man is a tri-partite being, made with body, soul, and spirit. The body of man is the physical house of his person. Since the fall, the body is indwelt by sin, is subject to decay, and it incrementally wears down, until the person breathes his last breath and his soul and spirit depart the body.
Genesis 1 tells us that God made mankind physically in the form of male and female. Men and women are uniquely and permanently different in physical features, designed roles, and DNA makeup. God designed the bodies of men to fulfill their God-given roles, and He did the same with women. God designed men to lead, provide, and protect. God made the woman to be a suitable helper to the man. Additionally, she is a nurturer and a keeper at home.
The reversal of the roles of men and women, along with the lust-filled perversion of morality and general rebellion toward God, have led to confusion of gender identity and the abomination of homosexuality. Society has remade the purpose of our bodies for pleasure. But the Bible says that our bodies are to be instruments of righteousness unto God (Rom. 6:13). As believers, we must maintain the biblical definition of men and women, and we must maintain the biblical roles for men and women.