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David Sutton

To Grow Spiritually, You Must...

How do you grow spiritually? How do you gain strength in doing the right thing and in resisting and putting off sin? How do you become spiritually mature in the Lord? Peter gives the answer: “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby” (I Pet. 2:2). To grow spiritually, you must desire the sincere milk of the Word.

The word desire means to have a strong desire for; to yearn for, implying a great need. When you realize your deep need for God’s Word, both to know it and to know how to live it, you will seek it out. You will crave it and drink it in. You know what it does to nourish your soul and to guide your thoughts. You see how it changes you and comforts you. You watch it strengthen you in ministry. You keep wanting it and receiving it.

We partake of God’s Word in church. The preaching and teaching of God’s Word instructs us. As we receive Scripture and live it, it sanctifies us. But you must be present to receive it. Also, we partake in personal devotions. Read the Bible daily and meditate on it. Share it with others. When you desire and digest the Word, you will grow spiritually.

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