The Bible tells us that Satan is the accuser of the brethren and that he accuses us day and night before our God (Rev. 12:10). What kinds of things might he accuse us of? That we don’t love God, that we aren’t devoted to Him, that we are weak and powerless, that we constantly sin, that we aren’t saved or part of His kingdom. How do you combat these accusations? Thanks be to God that we have an Advocate with the Father, a Divine Defense Lawyer, Jesus Christ the Righteous! He defends us to the Father that we are dear, redeemed sons of God by the blood of Jesus.
In addition Satan accuses the brethren by means of the world and the flesh. The world slanders saints as they did the Apostle Paul (II Corinthians) and the Apostle John (III John 9). As it pertains to the flesh, our own heart often condemns us: that we have sinned, when we haven’t; that we aren’t forgiven of a sin, when we are; that we have no ability to overcome temptation, when we do.
These thoughts are strong, and what is worse is that they can lodge in our minds and bring us into captivity—they can defeat, demoralize, and even depress. For the child of God, combating these thoughts comes through believing the true thoughts of God’s Word and not believing the thoughts of our mind. We must pull down those false thoughts by receiving the true and powerful Word of God and by bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (II Cor. 10:5).
Satan accuses the brethren. Will you believe his lies, even when they come through your flesh, or will you believe the truth of God’s Word?