What can money buy? Houses, cars, clothes, food—physical things. What can money not buy? Spiritual things. What the world values, it desires and loves. The world values physical things, things that seemingly satisfy, beautify, or, in some way, make the here-and-now better. But Proverbs 8:11 says, “For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.” The Bible says that wisdom is better. Therefore, receive wisdom and value it.
Rubies are precious stones. Wisdom is the proper application of truth. The two are very different. Rubies are physical; wisdom is spiritual. As beautiful as rubies are, wisdom is better. As valuable as rubies are, wisdom is better.
What makes wisdom better than rubies? Consider that rubies don’t guide you in making the hardest decisions, but wisdom does teach you how truth applies in your given situation so that you can make the best decision. Rubies don’t teach you how to have the Scriptural family relationships, but wisdom does. Rubies don’t warn you when you are about to step out of line, but wisdom does. Rubies don’t show you the God-honoring way of life, how to please God; neither do they compare and contrast the righteous and the ungodly so that you can readily identify them; but wisdom does. Rubies don’t change your heart and life to make them become more like Christ, but wisdom does.
Rubies, money, and possessions do not compare to the value of wisdom. Wisdom far outshines gold and beautifies more than rubies. Wisdom is better than rubies. Therefore, value wisdom; desire wisdom; seek wisdom; love wisdom.