A major way that Satan and his organization of fallen angels works, using his world system and targeting fallen carnality of humanity, is utilizing the curse of sin on the relationships of human beings. God has a purpose for mankind, which includes a loving relationship between men and women according to the model and image of the relationship between the members of the Trinity. Satan loves fragmenting and spoiling these relationships. I’m not talking about just getting along and having fun with each other, but the kind of relationship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit has, that God wants men and women to have. For many various reasons, people should work to have the best possible relationships they can, and this is according to the Word of God. It doesn’t neglect or bypass the truth, but it accentuates or emphasizes the scriptural relationship. There are two big factors to harm or destroy relationships between people: wrong thinking or false doctrine, and then sin. Different beliefs separate people. The standard must be the truth, which is scripture, but also its right interpretation and application. When people can’t agree, that trips up their relationship. Amos 3:3 asks the question, how can two people walk together unless they be agreed? Some of the disagreement is about extra-scriptural issues that require judgment. Two people must learn not to offend one another on non-scriptural issues and to attempt to be at peace in those areas by allowing for Christian liberty. Sometimes a mediator needs to get involved.
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