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David Sutton

How to Worship Christ on Christmas

What characterized the night that Christ was born? Worship. For instance, the angels descended from heaven, praising and glorifying God over the birth of Christ (Lk. 2:14-15). When the shepherds returned from visiting the manger, they glorified and praised God for all they had heard and seen (Lk. 2:20). No doubt the Maji, when they initially saw His star in the East, praised and glorified God. And then sometime later (likely several months) in Bethlehem, the wise men fell down and worshipped the Christ child, offering Him precious gifts (Mt. 2:11). Since worship characterized the birth of Jesus, worship should characterize Christmas. How do you worship Christ on Christmas?

First, worship Christ the whole year. If you don’t consistently prioritize Christ in your life, you will find it hard to do so on Christmas. However, if you daily put the Lord first regarding things, agenda, lifestyle, and relationships, in other words, doing His will, your affections will be set on Christ on Christmas.

Second, emphasize Christ on Christmas. Here are some examples. Make it a point to fellowship with the Lord on Christmas Day. Read your Bible and pray early that day. Read the Christmas story from Matthew or Luke before opening gifts. Think about the gift that God gave in His Son. As you exchange gifts, remember that Christmas is about Christ, not presents. At the same time, keep in mind that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Don’t teach your children to believe in Santa.

Third, this coming Sunday is Christmas Day, so be in church on Sunday. Don’t stay home to open presents or to have family time. Spend Sunday with your church family worshipping the Lord. Worshipping Christ should characterize Christmas.

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