“Because I said so” is a time-honored answer from a parent to the question, “Why?” Against the teachings of modern parenting, that answer is a good answer. Why? Because I said so. Well no. Because God said so. God says that children should do what their parents say, because their parents say so. That must be a good enough reason for children. If a child won’t do what his parents say, he’s going to find it difficult also to do what God says. He will also find it difficult to do what other authority tells him to do. Now, if I’m talking to a child reading this, it’s good for you to learn to do what your parents tell you to do, because God tells you to do what your parents tell you to do. Maybe you don’t like it, but that’s not the question. The question is, does God like it? If a parent tells a child to do something wrong, which I don’t think we should assume, the child shouldn’t do it. But that’s very unlikely from almost any parent. Parent, don’t feel badly about “because I told you so.” Feel badly when your children don’t obey you when you say, “because I told you so.” Your children should do what you tell them. That’s one of two commands of parents in the Bible, “honor thy father and thy mother” and “obey thy parents.” Obey thy parents, because they tell you so. That’s a winning argument for a parent. Sure, parents should have other arguments than, because I told you so, but that one’s got to be good enough for a child. God wants it to be. The most basic, most important, responsibility for parents to train their children is to obey them.
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