September 11, 2001. Those who lived that infamous day will never forget the horrible, shocking, sickening, grief-striking sights. The unimaginable—two jet-liners intentionally flying into the Twin Towers! The infernos, the firefighters, the suicides, the mayhem, and then the collapse! First, the South Tower crumbled in pile of broken concrete and mangled steel. Then 29 minutes later, the North Tower fell. 2,763 were killed.
The horrendous attack prompts reflection on our county’s history and reminds us, with thanksgiving, that we have had relatively few military attacks on our soil. We remember Pearl Harbor, but the Lord has been good to spare us from more numerous assaults.
Another reminder is eternal in nature. As destructive as the attack was 21 years ago and as devastating as the sights were, they do not compare to the awful torment of eternity in hell. Jesus said of that place of outer darkness and eternal fire, that there would be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth (Mt. 8:12; 13:42). Hell is a real place, a place of everlasting punishment (Mt. 25:46) and eternal destruction (II Thess. 1:9).
If you are not saved, flee from the wrath to come. Take refuge in the Savior. Receive forgiveness of your sins, and find rest in Christ. Salvation from the penalty of sin awaits you through repentant faith in Jesus Christ.